Monday, April 20, 2009

Wow, Busy!

We've been so busy! I was right though- we DID go somewhere, and we were gone for DAYS! I was pretty sure, 'cause we all had baths, and mom washed a bunch of our stuff, and packed stuff in bins and this wheely thing she calls a "suitcase"...I guess it's a case, alright, but I don't get the "suit" part.
Anyway, we traveled most of a day in the van, but I don't mind that part- I just roll onto my back in my crate and sleep most of the time. Oh, and talk my aunty Sharon out of french fries...I love my aunty Sharon, she dances for me and she's just so silly! I wasn't so sure I liked her putting strange dogs in MY van at first..but after a while, I remembered that these weren't strangers, I just hadn't seen them in many months.
It turned out that we went to a dog show! Dog shows are GREAT- I get so MUCH attention- all that brushing, and spraying, and combing, and that awesome blower thing, and then in the ring: LIVER...I just love it. I DON'T love it when mom has to give that same attention to the other dogs, though, even my dog-mom Rhya. I want mom all to myself! She's MINE. We had a good time though, and mom was happy when we won pretty strips of satin ribbon and some sparkly glass stuff. THIS dog show was extra cool though, because we got to work in harness, too! We did good, I think, 'cause everyone said so. I was a little unsure of that big cart behind me at first, but pretty soon I figured out that mom liked it when I pulled it to her, and then I just had fun showing off how strong I am! Mom made me stop before I was ready to though- just when I was really sure I was getting good at it! Just wait'll next time...
Then, we get home, and things JUST get back to normal, and then we spent two days going to this weird building, with springy green carpet on the WHOLE floor, and lines painted on it..but they had agility equipment on it! I didn't get to go near any of the equipment, bummer! But Rhya did, and she said she was good sometimes, and really had a hard time paying attention to mom some of the time. But there were more of those colored ribbons, and new STUFFY TOYS! I will take them..oh yes, I will...they will be mine...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Spring clean

Today I had a bath!! And I liked it..I always like it, which is good, I get quite a few baths. The water part isn't my FAVORITE thing, exactly, but I always get some sort of treat in the bath for being good... but I can't get enough of that high-powered blower thing that dries me! It's wonderful- like a massage...I lie right down on my raised table, and just good! And sometimes I bite the air that comes out of the hose, which always makes my mom laugh so then I kiss her 'cause she's funny.
Before the bath, though, it was such a nice spring day out, and I got to spend it running and playing in the yard, and getting nice and dirty romping through the mud with my Uncle Ash! We've had lots of rain, and the whole yard is soggy, which makes for great squishy-between-the-toes mud. So I left lots of dirt in the tub and now I'm all clean and shiny and fluffy. Uncle Ash had a bath last week, and my dog mom Rhya had one yesterday...I think we must be going somewhere! I'll find out soon...
Oh! I almost forgot: my new trick is SOOOOO easy! All I haveta do is lie back on my side, and mom says "bang" and then clicks for me and tosses me a treat! It only took me a couple minutes to get her to start clicking for this- humans are so easily amused! Woooo!