Wow! Sorry I've been MIA for such a long time...I've been doing all sorts of things! We went away again, right after the agility thing. It was fun! My mom was really happy, I won some more of those colored ribbons, and my dog-mom Rhya did too.
It was REALLY hot where we went, too- SO hot...good thing mom was thinking of us, 'cause she brought big fans, one for each of us, and turned them on high- that felt sooooo goooood. I love fans, I sleep next to one all summer!
AND: there was a neat contest later in the evening, and I got to show off my specially-learned trick to everyone! I was right on cue, and everyone laughed and I did it again and again, and there was clapping- I like clapping, you know it's always for me, right?
This past weekend, we went away again- this time we got to do some REAL work, like Malamutes are s'posed to be doing. We went backpacking! Well, the humans called it "hiking", but us dogs all carried backpacks and made ourselves useful, of course. We went over 10 miles through the forest on the edge of the mountains- it was hilly, lots of up and down, and mud, and water, and streams. It was a bit warm out at first, but later on we ended up right in the middle of a thunderstorm! I think mom might have been a bit nervous, but me & Rhya, we just tried to catch the rain drops, same as we do at home. There were lots of biting bugs though, and even though we'd gotten bug-sprayed, we got some bites in our ears. They ITCH! Mom put some medicine on, and it helps but I still feel itchy. I think mom got bit some too, 'cause she's been scratchin' at her hands and arms, and I did see a big welt on her face too..

I like hiking though- it's just another chance for me to flex my big muscles, and the pine forest smells yummy and fresh. I got REALLY dirty! So of course, today I had to have yet another bath- I think that's the third or fourth one in like 4 weeks! I have to admit though- I really DO feel better when I'm clean..
OH! And today I was minding my own business in my own yard, when a sharp piece of tree seed stabbed my foot and made it bleed! OUCH! I was limping for a little while, but I feel better now- mom cleaned it all really good and put some spray on my foot. I think I'll be fine tomorrow, but I'll let you know.
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